We rely on our feet a lot, and considering how much we use them, it’s not surprising that most people encounter foot problems from time to time.
But many of these foot problems are not only treatable, but preventable too! Here's how you can prevent getting fungal nail infections:

-Keep your feet clean and dry them properly
-Keep toenails trimmed and clean
-Wear clean socks and well-fitting shoes
-Avoid being barefoot in public places
If you do find yourself with an infection, don’t panic- they’re very treatable! Here’s our advice:
-Avoid over-the-counter products
-See a Foot Health Expert, such as a Foot Health Practitioner, Chiropodist, or Podiatrist
-It’s very important that the expert reduces the thickness of the nail, and removes as much of the diseased nail as possible
-Get treatment from your Foot Health Expert to get rid of the fungus
Here at The Comfoot Zone, Deborah is able to effectively treat infected toenails, as well as reconstructing damaged nails using Wilde Pedique gel, which allows the nails to heal while
protecting them from further damage.

Another very common foot issue is ingrown toenails. How can you prevent these? We suggest the following:
-Don’t cut your toenails shorter than the end of your toe, and use sharp clippers so you don't tear the nail
-Don’t wear shoes/socks all of the time
-Wash your feet regularly, and change your socks every day
-Wear shoes with a wide enough toe box - you need to have enough space to wiggle your toes freely
If you do suffer with an ingrown toenail, here is the best way to treat it:
-Make an appointment with a Foot Health Specialist
-The nail should be filed in a way that prevents it growing into the skin again
-If the nail is deeply embedded, you may need more intensive treatment or surgery
Deborah now offers Onyfix - a non-surgical, pain-free treatment for ingrown or involuted toenails. It gives quick relief, and helps to prevent relapse. It’s also totally safe for everyone

- even high-risk or diabetic patients.
Corns are another painful foot problem that many of us have suffered with. Here’s how you can prevent them:
-Have your feet measured, and always wear supportive shoes that fit the length and width of your feet
-Avoid shoes with pointed toes and high heels
-Decrease heel height
-Wear shoes with thicker soles and shock absorbers
What if you have corns? Try the following:
-We strongly advise you not to try removing them yourself, as it carries high risk of infection, and without proper treatment and aftercare from a trained professional, the corns are much more likely to return
-The best option is to visit a Foot Health Specialist to remove your corns
Plantar Fasciitis is a very painful foot condition that affects many people. It’s caused by too much stress being put on the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes. How can it be prevented?
-If you have fallen arches, wear insoles/shoes that have arch support
-Make sure you wear correctly fitting footwear
-Avoid wearing shoes with no support, such as ballet pumps or flip-flops
If you do develop plantar fasciitis, what can you do? Try these suggestions:

-The best (but not always easiest) thing to do is to rest your feet as much as possible
-Put your toes against a wall, but keep the rest of your foot flat so you can feel it stretching, and hold for 30 seconds a time
-Place a towel on the floor, grab it with your toes, and pull it towards you. Repeat 10-15 times, several times a day.
-Use a bottle of ice water and roll it under your foot for some pain relief while stretching
-Wear well-fitting shoes that support and cushion your feet, and arch supports will help too
If you have any questions about these or other foot problems, feel free to send us an email on hello@comfootzone.co.uk, drop us a message in the chat box on this website, or call us on 01903 532159.